FileCabinet CS is a document management application that enables you to securely store virtually any document electronically on your computer or network. FileCabinet CS provides the ability to drag and drop documents, scan documents for storage, store image files, send documents to email recipients, and send documents to a file.
This article provides links to articles about how configuring FileCabinet CS, instructions for performing common tasks such as scanning documents, navigating through the FileCabinet CS interface, and creating archives.
For information about installing the application, as well as steps for downloading and installing licenses, please see Installation information.
For additional information about installing and maintaining FileCabinet CS, click the following links.
FileCabinet CS downloads and installs updates automatically by default, but you can also download and install updates manually. For more information, see Downloading and applying application updates.
We issue user bulletins to inform you of application updates and other important information. User bulletins are stored in the $GLOBAL drawer, and can also be accessed from the User Bulletins link on the FileCabinet CS Home Page.
The following articles discuss optional steps for setting up FileCabinet CS. These configuration guidelines will help you better organize your firm's documents, increase the quality of scanned images, make it easier to navigate to your documents, and more.
Folder structure: Learn how to set up your folder structure and name folders so it will be easier to manage documents over the long term.
Scanner configuration: Learn how to configure your scanner for optimal use with FileCabinet CS, including recommendations for getting the most out of Optical Character Recognition (OCR).
Working in FileCabinet CS through FileCabinet CS environments: If your firm licenses FileCabinet CS through Virtual Office CS or SaaS environments, learn about adding data locations, configuring your scanner, installing the FileCabinet CS Virtual Office print driver, and more.
User preferences: Learn how to set individual preferences, such as the appearance of the display area, how documents are sorted, email options, and more.
Security configuration: Learn about setting security options, assigning a master password, and more.
NetClient CS configuration: If your firm is licensed for NetFirm CS, learn how to configure FileCabinet CS for use with NetClient CS.
The following articles discuss managing documents in FileCabinet CS, including instructions for scanning, navigating, archiving, and more.
FileCabinet CS uses Portable Document Format (PDF) technology developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated.
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