Graduate Academic Policies and Guidelines

In general, applications for admission to the College of Graduate Studies are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Applicants must consider that all applications require at least 3 to 5 business days to be processed by Graduate Admissions. It is recommended that applications be submitted as early as possible, but no later than two (2) weeks prior to the beginning of the first semester in which the student plans to enroll. The College of Graduate Studies has minimum admission requirements for the purpose of admitting non-degree seeking graduate students. However, each graduate degree program will have admission criteria aligned to national standards that may exceed the admission requirements of the College of Graduate Studies. Each graduate degree program may have more stringent admission deadline dates and requirements; therefore, it is the applicant’s responsibility to understand the specific graduate program admission requirements.

Admission to any of Austin Peay State University’s graduate programs is based on a careful review and evaluation of a complete graduate admission application submitted to the College of Graduate Studies that includes the following:

I. Completed Application

II. Application Fee of U.S. $45 (nonrefundable)

III. Official Transcripts from all colleges and universities attended for both undergraduate and graduate coursework; these must be submitted directly to APSU by the institution and show that:

IV. Additional admission requirements could be imposed by each graduate program. For example, it is not uncommon for admission requirements to include official scores on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), the Miller Analogies Test (MAT), or the General Test of the Graduate Records Examination (GRE) (verbal and quantitative) that are no more than five (5) years old. The GRE school code for APSU is 1028. Some departments may require or accept other test scores. Please review specific departmental requirements in this bulletin. An applicant who has previously earned a master’s degree may request an exemption from the entrance examination by submitting the Entrance Exam Waiver Form along with a copy of a transcript showing the master’s degree. Some departments may also allow a waiver if a student has a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.5 or higher. Entrance exam waivers are granted at the discretion of the academic department and the student should first check to see if a waiver will be granted for his or her proposed program of study. The Entrance Exam Waiver form can be found at

Accelerated Master’s Pathways

General Description
For highly motivated students, APSU offers Accelerated Master’s Pathways, enabling students to enroll in graduate courses while completing their undergraduate degree requirements. A qualified student (see below) may apply no more than twelve (12) graduate-level credit hours to their undergraduate degree. The graduate credits will replace relevant undergraduate course requirements for the undergraduate degree. In many cases, the graduate credits earned will also count toward the graduation requirements for a graduate degree. Typically, the student’s undergraduate major and the graduate courses are within the same department or discipline. Student qualifications to pursue an Accelerated Master’s Pathway are determined by each academic department. In general, participating students should be considered exceptional academic performers (>3.5 GPA) with consistent histories of academic excellence.

General Student Qualifications
In general, qualified students have earned a GPA of 3.5 or higher within their majors. Only first-attempted class grades count toward this metric (repeated courses do not count). Additionally, a qualifying student must have completed at least 90 credit hours. Approval from the Department Chair and/or Graduate Coordinator is required for the student to be permitted into graduate classes. A student participating in an Accelerated Master’s Pathway does not apply for admission to the College of Graduate Studies and is not considered a graduate student. However, once he or she graduates with a bachelor’s degree or receives approval confirmation for graduation from APSU’s Office of the Registrar, he or she may apply for graduate admission following the normal process set by the College of Graduate Studies and the selected graduate program.

General Regulations
The following are general regulations that apply to students participating in the Accelerated Master’s Pathways:

Accelerated Master’s Pathways Application
Accelerated Master’s Pathways are intended for high achieving students seeking to transition into graduate programs immediately upon completion of their undergraduate degrees. While in this pathway, a student will enroll in graduate level courses used to replace undergraduate classes, as selected by the advisor. Please be aware of the following:

Graduate College Honors Regulation

Graduate honors will be determined by a minimum GPA of 3.85 within a graduate program; grades earned outside of the graduate program will be excluded. It is the responsibility of the graduating student to be aware of any grades earned outside of the graduate program and to take steps to have those grades removed from the GPA calculation used to determine honors status.

Protocol for removing outside graduate credits from GPA calculations
The student should discuss outside graduate credit(s) with the program Graduate Coordinator or Department Chair. The Graduate Coordinator or Department Chair will notify the Office of the Registrar, by email, to take steps to calculate the GPA using only those credits earned within the program of study for the determination of awarding honors status upon graduation.

Credit Load

The maximum load per semester for full-time students who are not graduate administrative assistants (GAAs), graduate teaching assistants (GTAs), or graduate research assistants (GRAs) is sixteen (16) hours of combined credit earned in graduate course work and research. GAAs, GTAs, and GRAs are limited to ten (10) hours in the fall and spring semesters. The minimum number of graduate credits that may be taken by a GAA, GTA, or GRA is six (6) hours in fall and spring semesters. Approval from the Graduate Coordinator and the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies is required for GAAs, GTAs, and GRAs to take more than ten (10) hours or less than six (6) hours in the fall and spring semesters. The Graduate Assistant Request to Add/Reduce Course Hours form can be found at

In-service teachers will be limited to a maximum of six hours per semester. The Tennessee State Board of Education’s rules limiting in-service teacher’s registration state:

“Training acceptable for licensure and for salary ratings shall be limited to six hours during any one semester of the school year. However, teachers wishing to exceed six hours of work may do so provided prior approval of the local board of education is granted before the teacher enrolls in classes offered by institutions of higher learning.”

Time Status Classification and Maximum Load
Graduate Hours 1
Time Status Fall or Spring
(Clarksville Campus)
(Clarksville Campus)
Fall 1/Fall 2; Spring 1/Spring 2; Summer 3
(Ft. Campbell Campus)
Full-Time (F) 6 3 3
Three-quarter (T) 4
Half-Time (H) 3
Less than Half-Time (L) 2
Maximum Load 16 3 12 2 12 2

1 Graduate students enrolled in undergraduate courses also may refer to credit load in the Undergraduate Bulletin.

2 This applies to the AP Center at Fort Campbell terms and Clarksville Campus Summer Term.

3 Graduate assistants are limited to ten (10) graduate credit hours during the fall and spring semesters. To take additional hours, a graduate assistant must request approval from the Department Chair or Graduate Coordinator and the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies by submitting a Graduate Assistant Request to Add/Reduce Course Hours form. This form can be found at​.

Classification of Courses

Courses of instruction for degree credit in the curriculum of the University are divided into three categories: lower division courses (typically regarded as freshman and sophomore level) are numbered 1000-2999; upper division courses (junior and senior level courses) are numbered 3000-4999. Graduate courses are numbered 5000 and above. Undergraduate students may enroll in graduate courses only if they meet minimum requirements as listed in the GRADUATE BULLETIN and receive prior approval of the Dean of Graduate Studies. Courses numbered below 1000 do not count for degree credit, but do count for determining fees, enrollment status and grade point average (GPA).

Course Offerings and Schedule of Classes

Courses offered during the fall and spring semesters and summer terms, together with the time and place of class meetings and official calendar, are available online at under the SCHEDULE OF CLASSES link or in our AP OneStop. The University reserves the right to cancel any course listed in the SCHEDULE OF CLASSES.

Prerequisites and Corequisites

It is the student’s responsibility to check for satisfactory completion of prerequisites and necessary corequisites as listed in the Graduate Bulletin. Students must have passed or be currently enrolled in the appropriate prerequisite(s) or meet specified conditions prior to registration. Corequisites are courses in which students must register concurrently.

Special Problem Courses

The maximum total of semester hour credits allowed for all types of special problem courses is six (6).

Inclement Weather

Austin Peay State University offices may remain open during periods of inclement weather. To be notified if classes are cancelled or the University is closed due to inclement weather, students should sign-up for AP Alert, the University’s text messaging system. Students may also check the home page of the APSU website for cancellation or closing notices. Unless the University officially cancels classes, students are responsible for any academic work missed as a result of inclement weather. It is the individual student’s responsibility to contact the instructor in order to make-up any missed work.

In cases of severe inclement weather and hazardous roads, students are to exercise their own judgment in making decisions about class attendance.

More information about the inclement weather procedures can be found at

Course Registration, Course Repeats and Dropping, Withdrawal from the University


Students are responsible for the schedule of courses for which they register, unless they officially change it. To make an official change to a schedule, the student must use AP One Stop or submit the required forms. This process must be completed within the required time frame for adding or dropping courses as stated in the University Calendar.

Undergraduates Students Enrolling in Graduate Courses

With the exception of students participating in Accelerated Master’s Pathways, undergraduate students interested in enrolling in graduate courses must apply for admission to the College of Graduate Studies and must meet the minimum requirements listed in the Graduate Bulletin.

Course Repeats

A student who receives a grade of “D” or “F” in a graduate course in his or her program of study must repeat that course. The repeated course grade will be averaged with the original grade earned and the Request to Repeat Graduate Course form is not required (if a student receives a grade of “D” or “F” in a course outside his/her program of study, repeating the course is optional). All attempts to repeat a course will be included in the cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) with the original grade of “D” or “F.”

To repeat a course in which a student received a grade of “A” or “B,” approval from the Provost is required. In this case, the student must complete a Request to Repeat Graduate Course form and submit it to the Provost for approval. Once approved, the Provost will forward it to the Office of the Registrar. The repeated grade earned will be averaged with the original grade of “A” or “B.” A student is not required to repeat a course in which a grade of “C” was earned; nevertheless, if he or she repeats that course, a Request to Repeat Graduate Course form submitted to the Provost is not necessary. The repeated course will be averaged with the original grade of “C.” The Request to Repeat Graduate Course form is located on the College of Graduate Studies website at

Dropping Courses

After a student has officially registered for a class, the student is considered to be a member of the class unless the student officially drops the class, withdraws from the University, or the course is cancelled. A course may also be dropped from a student’s schedule by administrative authority for reasons such as academic suspension, student violations, or decisions made by the Student Academic Grievance Committee. Discontinuing class attendance without officially dropping or withdrawing from the University will be an unofficial withdrawal, and the student will retain financial obligation. Failure to drop a class via AP One Stop will result in the grade of “F” “FA” or “FN.”

Reporting Grades for Courses Dropped

The grade awarded for a dropped course or for courses from which the student withdrew depends on the date the student withdrew from the course or from the University. The dates for awarding grades appear in the Official University Calendar.

  1. A grade of “W” is awarded when the student drops or withdraws within the time period the University has established for awarding an automatic “W.” The grade has no impact on the student’s cumulative GPA.
  2. A grade of “F”, “WFA”, “WFN” or “W” will be awarded if the student drops or withdraws between the automatic “W” date and the automatic “F” date. A grade of “W” will only be awarded if the instructor determines the student is passing at the time of withdrawal.
  3. A grade which the course resides of “F” or “WFA” or “WFN” is awarded during the mandatory “F” period. Very limited exceptions are made and require the student to present to the Dean of the College, in which the course resides, acceptable reasons establishing the existence of extenuating circumstances. The dean’s decision is communicated to the instructor.
Withdrawal from the University

Official withdrawal requires that all courses be dropped online through AP OneStop. Fee adjustments will be based on the published schedule for fee adjustments in the official University calendar. Withdrawal from the University may require repayment of financial aid. Students receiving financial aid should meet with a financial aid counselor prior to withdrawal.

Grading System

At the end of each semester the student’s quality of work is graded by the instructor. The grades are indicated by letters, with a four-point system being used:

Quality Points
Per Semester
Grade Interpretation Hours of Credit
A Excellent 4
AU* Audit -
B Satisfactory 3
C Unsatisfactory 2
D Unsatisfactory 0
F Unsatisfactory 0
FA Failure, Stopped Attendance (Unofficial Withdrawal) 0
FN Failure, never attended 0
P* Pass, on Pass-Fail -
XF* Fail, on Pass-Fail -
I* Incomplete -
IP* In Progress -
W* Withdrew -
*NR Not Recorded -
*Not calculated in GPA
Graduate In-Progress Grade Regulation

The IP grade would be utilized to allow a student an extended period of time to complete the necessary course requirements. Unless the student graduates and/or receives a satisfactory grade replacing the IP grade, an IP grade will automatically convert to an F grade after six (6) years from when the IP grade was assigned.

Grade Requirements for Graduation

Grades of “A, ” “B, ” and “C” carry the appropriate quantity and quality credits. No credit will be given for the grades of “D” or “F. ” Students will not be awarded a graduate degree if they have received grades of “D” or “F” in any courses taken to satisfy requirements for the program of study in which they are earning their graduate degree.

GPA Calculation and Repeating Graduate Courses (Grade Replacement)

Within any graduate program*, a single graduate level course may be repeated once (1) with the new grade earned replacing the older grade for the purposes of GPA calculations. However, all grades-earned in all courses will be listed on the transcript. After one (1) course is repeated with the original grade replaced by the newly repeated course grade earned, all future grades earned in repeated courses will be averaged for the purposes of GPA calculations. Only the grades of C, D, F, FN, and FA are eligible to be repeated. To initiate grade replacement, students must complete the Graduate Grade Replacement Form. Students are strongly encouraged to speak with the graduate coordinator or department chair prior to enrolling in a repeated course.

*Note: some graduate programs may have policies that disallow grade replacement. Please check with the graduate catalog, graduate program coordinator, and/or department chair for clarity.

Pass-Fail Grading

Students taking the practicum experience in Psychology or Counseling have the option of taking it on a pass-fail basis. To exercise this option, the student must return the completed Pass-Fail Card to the Office of the Registrar, with all appropriate signatures, during the first week of the semester. Students taking the practicum experience in Education take it on a pass-fail basis. The Pass-Fail card can be found at

Class Attendance, Grading and Course Withdrawal Limitations

Class attendance is a key attribute to academic success. Though the matter of class attendance is in the purview of the teaching faculty, the University requires faculty to routinely report students who have never attended class (“FN” – Failure, Never Attended) within 21 days of the first day of class. For those students who stop attending class and/or are no longer receiving instruction, a grade of “FA” (Failure, Stopped Attendance) should be reported. Faculty members will inform students of policies applicable to their classes through a syllabus distributed early in each semester/term. These punitive failing grades reported during the semester/term may affect the student’s time status, financial aid repayment, and/or veteran benefits.

Course Withdrawal Limitations

A student who earns four (4) Withdrawals (“W”s) will be placed on academic probation. If the student receives another “W” ( ≥ five (5) “W”s) he or she will be suspended for one academic semester. A student on academic suspension from the College of Graduate Studies may not be admitted to, or continue in, any graduate program at APSU for credit or grade point average calculation. Students must adhere to the Academic Suspension appeal process for re-admittance.

Absence from Announced Tests and Examinations

Students who are forced by circumstances beyond their control to be absent from announced tests and examinations should request approval from the instructor. At the discretion of the instructor, the student will receive the grade of “I,” “F” or “FA.”

University Excused Absences for Students

When students are scheduled to participate in an institutionally scheduled activity (for instance, athletic activity, band, or military event), class absences that fall during the sanctioned time (this time may include travel) shall be considered as excused absences. Although the students are excused from attending classes, they have the responsibility to check with their instructors to find out what work was missed. Instructors shall make reasonable arrangements for students to make up assignments, quizzes and tests missed during excused absences. These make-up activities shall be comparable to the missed assignments, quizzes, or tests and shall not be graded for reduced credit or treated as dropped grades.

The Athletic Director shall determine if a particular athletic-related activity qualifies as a university-excused absence. The Dean of Students shall determine if a particular student affairs-related activity qualifies as a university-excused absence. If a faculty member desires to have a class-related activity designated as a university-excused absence, prior approval must be obtained the department head. Additionally, department heads must request prior approval from the appropriate Dean. Once an activity has been granted excused status by an academic Dean, the Athletic Director, or the Dean of Students (as may be appropriate), the excused absence policy will take effect.

A student may request an exception to the policy, if he or she desires to have an activity approved as an excused absence. Any request of this type will be handled individually, on a case-by-case basis. This request must be submitted in writing, with appropriate documentation of the activity, date(s), and class schedule and will be reviewed by the Department Chair and Dean of the college in which the course is taught. If approved, the Dean will send a memo to the student and his or her instructors. If the activity will affect more than one course, the Deans of all the student’s affected courses will make a joint decision. Granting of such exception does not guarantee future approvals of such requests, as each request is considered on a case-by-case basis. If the request is denied at the college level, the student may submit a written appeal within five business days to the Associate Vice President (AVP) for Student Affairs and the Dean of Students. The AVP for Student Affairs and Dean of Students shall provide a response within five business days of receiving the written appeal. If the AVP of Student Affairs and Dean of Students determines there is no merit to the student’s appeal, then there is no further recourse for the student.

Auditing of Courses

An auditor is one who enrolls in a course without expecting to receive academic credit. The same registration procedure must be followed and the same fees are charged as for courses taken for credit. This guideline does not apply to TN e-Campus courses.

Audited courses cannot be used toward any degree. Audit hours will not be considered part of the minimum credits required for full-time enrollment but will be counted in determining overloads. Courses may be audited provided the instructor gives consent to enroll, space is available, and the student has satisfied any necessary prerequisites.

Regular class attendance is expected of an auditor. An auditor is not required to take examinations and does not receive regular letter grades. The student and the instructor should reach a precise agreement as to the extent and nature of the student’s participation in the course, including class discussions, assignments, projects, and readings. A successful audit will be recorded on the transcript with the designation AU. Audited courses may be repeated for credit.

After the published “Last Day to Add a Course” a student may not change enrollment status in a course from credit to audit or from audit to credit.

Incomplete Grades

A temporary grade of “I” indicates that a student has performed satisfactorily in the course, but due to circumstances beyond the student’s control, was unable to complete the course requirements. It also indicates that the student has received consent from the instructor to complete the work for which an “I” has been assigned.

The “I” grade cannot be used to enable a student to do additional work to raise a deficient grade. The course will not be counted in the cumulative grade-point average until a final grade is assigned.

An “I” must be removed no later than one calendar year from the time the grade was initially assigned. Time extensions must be submitted and approved by the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies before the time expires. An “I” not removed within a year will be converted to an “F,” except in courses involving thesis, field study reports, research project papers, and research literacy papers, as indicated with a grade of “IP.” A student cannot make up an “I” by registering and paying for the course again. No student may graduate with an “I” or “IP” on his or her academic record.

Proficiency in English and Grading

Students are expected to maintain satisfactory standards of oral and written English in all of their courses. The faculty of the University have agreed to accept English usage as a University-wide responsibility. Deficiencies in the use of English may be taken into consideration in assigning course grades, and students who fall below acceptable standards may make low grades or fail.

Grade Reporting

Students may obtain their grades through AP One Stop after each semester/term. Grade reports are not mailed to students.

Grade Changes

Errors in grades must be reported to the instructor of the course immediately. No grade changes will be made for one calendar year after the grade was assigned without the approval of the college Dean and Provost.

Grade Appeal

Students may appeal final course grades entered in the fall semester no later than 30 calendar days after the start of the following spring semester. The informal discussion with the instructor and Department Chair or Director must be the first step toward resolution. Students may appeal final course grades entered for the spring, maymester, and summer semesters no later than 30 calendar days after the start of the following fall semester. If the deadline date falls on a weekend or holiday, then the deadline shall be the next business day. The formal, written appeal to the Department Chair or Director must be filed by the 30-day deadline. Once a degree has been posted to the transcript, the academic record is deemed complete and changes will not be made to grades earned prior to the posted degree. Review the Academic Grievance Policy section in the STUDENT HANDBOOK for appeal procedures.

Academic Status and Graduate Appeal Processes

The academic status of a student is denoted by one of four conditions:

Good Standing
Academic Probation
Academic Suspension
Academic Dismissal

Students who fail to meet prescribed academic standards are subject to disciplinary action. Official notification of academic probation, academic suspension or academic dismissal is sent to students at the end of the fall and spring semesters, summer terms, or Fort Campbell terms.

At any time a student’s academic performance becomes deficient, he or she is placed on probation. When established standards are met, probationary status is removed. However, a second deficiency in academic performance will result in a one semester suspension, after which a student is eligible to appeal for readmission. Should a third deficiency in academic performance occur, then a full year suspension will be enforced, after which the student is eligible to appeal for readmission. Should more than two suspensions occur, the student will be dismissed from the graduate program and the College of Graduate Studies.

Good Standing

Students are in good standing as long as their overall cumulative grade point average is 3.0 or higher. Good standing indicates only that the student is meeting the minimum standard for retention.

Academic Probation: GPA and Maximum Allowable Withdrawals

When a graduate student’s cumulative GPA falls below 3.0, he or she will be placed on academic probation. Every semester thereafter, the student must earn a minimum term/semester grade of 3.5, and the student will remain on academic probation until the cumulative GPA reaches 3.0 or better. When the student’s cumulative GPA has returned to a 3.0 or greater, the student’s academic status will return to “Good Standing.” If the student fails to earn a minimum term/semester grade of 3.5 while on probation, he or she will be suspended. No grades of “D” or “F” are allowed in a student’s program of study.

After a graduate student earns four (4) withdrawals “W”s, he or she will be placed on academic probation. If the student receives another “W,” academic suspension will result.

Academic Suspension Procedures

A student on academic probation whose semester GPA falls below a 3.5 and/or a student who earns five (5) or more “W”s will be suspended from the university. Students suspended for the first time may not enroll in the College of Graduate Studies for at least one semester following their suspensions. The University reserves the right to cancel a student’s registration with full fee adjustment should the student enroll prior to being notified of an academic suspension. A student on academic suspension from the College of Graduate Studies may not be admitted to, or continue in, any graduate program at APSU for credit or grade point average calculation. A student may not enroll in a program at another University during the suspension period and have that credit transferred.

Readmission After Academic Suspension: After an absence of at least one semester, a suspended student must request readmission by appealing to the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies. The Graduate Academic Appeals form is located on the College of Graduate Studies website at To request readmission, this form must be submitted, along with a written explanation of circumstances relative to the suspension. The student may provide additional documents if needed. The graduate appeal form must be received in the Graduate office no later than 14 days before the beginning of the intended semester of return, to allow time for consideration by the Graduate Academic Appeals Committee. If the student’s graduate appeal is not received 14 days before the beginning of the semester, the appeal will be considered for the next upcoming semester. The Graduate Studies Office will present the complete appeals packet to the students’ graduate coordinator or department chair for a recommendation. The Graduate Studies Office then presents the appeal packet and departmental recommendation to the Graduate Academic Appeals Committee, a sub-committee of the Graduate Academic Council, for its review and a final decision. The student will be notified via his or her campus email address (or other email address if student does not have a campus email account). Decisions of the Graduate Academic Appeals Committee regarding readmission are final and may not be appealed. The steps for completing an academic appeal are listed below.

Readmission After Second Academic Suspension: If suspended a second time, the student may not enroll in the College of Graduate Studies for a minimum of one calendar year. Students seeking readmission must follow the same procedure specified herein. After a second suspension, if the student is denied readmission to the College of Graduate Studies by the Graduate Academic Appeals Committe, that decision is final, and the student is suspended from the University.

Steps for completing an Academic Appeal:

Students who are placed on academic suspension and are seeking readmission following suspension, or are seeking a time extension to complete their degree requirements will have to follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Complete a re-admit application to the program they are seeking readmission.
  2. Complete a Graduate Academic Appeals form and send it to; include “Graduate Academic Appeals” in the subject line.
  3. The College of Graduate Studies will send the graduate academic appeals form, a copy of the student transcript, and the graduate appeal worksheet to the graduate coordinator and/or chair of the department the student is seeking readmission.
  4. The graduate coordinator and/or department chair will speak with the student regarding the appeal and discuss a plan to graduation. The graduate coordinator and/or department chair will also discuss the grades necessary to increase their cumulative GPA to at least a 3.0.
  5. The graduate coordinator and/or department chair will complete the graduate academic appeals form and the graduate appeal worksheet and send them back to the College of Graduate Studies.
  6. The College of Graduate Studies will then send the graduate academic appeals form, the graduate appeal worksheet, and the student transcript to the Associate Dean of the College of Graduate Studies (chair of committee). The Associate Dean (chair) will review the appeal to ensure that everything is correct.
  7. The Associate Dean (chair) will forward (via email) the graduate academic appeals form, the graduate appeal worksheet, and the student transcript to the Graduate Academic Appeals Committee. The Associate Dean (chair) will request that all decisions be made within 4 days.
  8. The Graduate Academic Appeals Committee will send decisions to the Associate Dean (chair) via email.
  9. Once a decision has been made the Associate Dean (chair) will send the decision to the College of Graduate Studies and the student will be notified via email.
Graduate Care and Fresh Start Guidelines

Persons seeking re-admission to the College of Graduate Studies who have not taken graduate courses for at least six years and who have received grades of “C”, “D” or “F” in previous graduate courses may appeal to the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies for consideration within the CARE (Credentials Analysis and Re-Evaluation) guidelines. Appeals will be granted only in cases where special circumstances exist. Requested courses and grades will remain on the student’s transcript; however, the courses considered under this guideline will neither be calculated into the GPA nor counted as credit toward a graduate degree. Up to fifteen (15) hours of graduate course work may be removed from the GPA calculation; these may be earned in in multiple semesters.

The purpose of Graduate Fresh Start is to allow a graduate student to progress toward degree completion while meeting all the educational requirements of a particular graduate program. Graduate Fresh Start allows the student to petition his or her Graduate Coordinator and/or Department Chair to exclude prior graduate credits from other graduate programs; these other programs may not be concentrations within the same degree. Excluded courses will neither be calculated into the GPA nor counted as credit toward a graduate degree.

Please review the following regulations for using Graduate Fresh Start:

Applications for Graduate Care and Graduate Fresh Start can be found on the Graduate office website at

Grade Replacement

Within any graduate program, a single graduate level course may be repeated one (1) time with the new grade earned replacing the older grade for the purpose of the GPA calculation. However, all grades earned in all courses will be listed on the student’s transcript. After one (1) course is repeated and the original grade replaced by the newly repeated course grade earned, all future grades earned in repeated courses will be averaged for the purposes of GPA calculations. Only the grades of C, D, F, FN, and FA are eligible to be repeated. To initiate a grade replacement, the student must complete and submit this form. Eligible students are strongly encouraged to speak with their graduate coordinators or department chairs prior to repeating courses. Please note: Some graduate programs may have policies that disallow grade replacement. Please consult the Graduate Bulletin, graduate program coordinator, and/or department chair for clarity. This regulation is not applicable to degrees already conferred.

Student Due Process

Students have the right to due process. If a student believes his or her rights have been violated, he or she may appeal that perceived violation to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Judgments at this level will be made only in relationship to procedural matters. All decisions made by the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies or the Graduate Academic Council that are substantive in nature, are not subject to appeal at the level of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Graduate Faculty Criteria

APSU considers Graduate Faculty Status as meeting the minimum criteria needed to instruct, participate in thesis/field studies/dissertation committees, and mentor graduate students as these criteria relate to a specific graduate program at the Masters or Doctoral level. The Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement 2018 Edition, Section 6: Faculty “Achievement of the institution’s mission with respect to teaching, research, and service requires a critical mass of full-time qualified faculty to provide direction and oversight of the academic programs. Due Due to this significant role, it is imperative that an effective system of evaluation be in place for all faculty members that takes into account the institution’s obligations to foster intellectual freedom of faculty to teach, serve, research, and publish. “

Graduate Program Coordinator Description

Graduate Program Coordinators* (GPC) are APSU employees selected by the Chair‡ of the department (or other APSU administrator) to serve on behalf of the Chair in matters dealing in graduate education. Depending on the Department Chair, GPCs may have the full authority of the Chair in terms of admission, permits into graduate courses, graduate assistantship hiring and discipline actions, exceptions to policies, and modifications to curricula and policies in accordance with APSU curriculum policies. The exact duties and responsibilities of the GPC is at the discretion of the Department Chair.

*Of note, GPCs are often times faculty members and therefore, the time available for the duties and responsibilities of the GPC is dependent on the GPC’s faculty contract. For example, for most faculty, the common contract begins work in mid-August and the contract ends work by mid-May. Therefore, should a GPC be “off contract” in the summer months, the Department Chair is the responsible manager for issues impacting graduate education.

‡For the Master’s Science in Management, the GPC is directed by the Associate Dean for the College of Business.